2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 01, 2025  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

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Tuition and Fees


Cost per credit hour for 2016-2017 (School of Divinity programs): $515.00
Cost per credit hour for 2016-2017 (All other programs): $655.00
Audit Fee for 2016-2017: 50% of course tuition rate

Other Expenses:

Tuition charges do not include books, supplies, or personal expenses.

Financial Policies

Settlement of Accounts

All students are responsible to pay in full all tuition and fees and/or have an approved payment schedule before financial registration is complete. The University accepts payments by check, cash, or credit card. Credit card payments can be made online at www.cairn.edu/payments or by telephone at 215.702.4522 or 215.702.4201. (Visa and MasterCard accepted. A 3% convenience fee applies for online and over-the-phone charges.) If tuition reimbursement is available, it is the student’s responsibility to notify his/her employer. Tuition payment plans are currently available through Tuition Management Services, Inc. (see below).

Any student account that has to be forwarded for outside collection assistance because of an outstanding balance will be assessed with collection costs and fees. The student will then be responsible for the full balance of his or her account, including all collection costs and fees.

Tuition Management Systems (TMS)

This outside organization provides a convenient monthly payment plan for Cairn students. Students apply each semester for a fee of $25, with no additional interest or fees. For more information about TMS, call the student accounts counselor at 215.702.4522 or log onto www.cairngraduate.afford.com.

Withdrawal Refund Policies

University Refund Policy

Students who officially withdraw from the University are entitled to an adjustment on their semester bill as listed below. The preferred procedure is to complete the University Withdrawal Form and submit it to the Business Services Office. However, an oral statement of intent to withdraw from the University made to the Registrar’s Office will also be considered official. Students receiving Title IV loans must also complete an exit interview in the Financial Aid Office. The official date of withdrawal shall be the date established by the Registrar’s Office as the last date of attendance. Merely ceasing from class attendance does not constitute official withdrawal. No refund is made unless the University withdrawal is official.


If the Student Withdraws The University Retains Refund to Student
Prior to beginning of classes 0% 100%
Within 1st 10% of enrollment period 10% 90%
Within 25% of enrollment period, after 1st 10% 50% 50%
Within 50% of enrollment period, after 1st 25% 75% 25%
After 50% of enrollment period 100% 0%

Reduction of Aid on University Withdrawal

When a student withdraws from the University prior to completion of a semester, aid from federal and state governments and the University will be reduced or returned according to the stipulations of each individual aid program. Calculations will be made following the student’s completion of the withdrawal process. Aid from private and other sources will be governed by the conditions specified by the donors.

Return of Federal Funds Upon Withdrawal

A “Return of Title IV Funds Calculation” will be done for students who are federal aid recipients upon withdrawal from the University during the first 60% of a semester. Federal aid programs included are the Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Direct (Stafford and PLUS) Loans. Federal aid funds are considered “earned” based on the percentage of the semester actually completed. In some cases, funds already disbursed to the student will need to be returned to the federal program. For more information about this calculation, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Consumer Information

Individuals who desire to review any consumer information required by federal regulations may contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Course Withdrawal/Refund Policy

Refund from course withdrawal applies only when the withdrawal is official. Refunds for tuition are made in accordance with the refund policy schedule. The date of official course withdrawal is the student’s last date of attendance in the course. Notification of course load adjustment is given to the Business Services Office and the Financial Aid Office by the Registrar’s Office and refunds are applied to the student’s account in accordance with the policy stated above. Financial aid may be adjusted for students who withdraw from any course during the semester.


Financial Aid

Scholarships and Grants

Graduate students may be eligible for a graduate need-based grant from the University. In addition to the FAFSA, students must complete a Graduate Need-Based Grant Application annually to be considered. The application can be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid or online. For a graduate student beginning in the fall semester the Graduate Need-Based Grant application deadline is August 1st; for the spring, the deadline is November 15th; and for summer, the deadline is April 15th. For more information on these and other scholarships or discounts (e.g., Master of Divinity, Christian School Educators scholarships), contact Graduate Admissions at 1.800.617.4723. There are no federal or state grant programs for Cairn graduate students.

Student Loans

Students may apply for a loan through the Federal Direct Loan Program. The FAFSA must be completed for the Direct Loan to be awarded. For more information and assistance, contact the Office of Financial Aid at 877.726.2445 or 215.702.4245 or email financialaid@cairn.edu.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Graduate students must meet both qualitative and quantitative standards in order to remain eligible for aid. The University evaluates student academic records annually following the end of spring semester. Students who lose eligibility for aid because of unsatisfactory academic progress will have eligibility reinstated following the semester in which they again make satisfactory progress. Students who wish to appeal the loss of aid eligibility may do so by contacting the director of financial aid in writing. In cases where unusual extenuating circumstances exist, eligibility may be reinstated.

Quantitative Academic Progress: Students must pass a minimum of 67% of the cumulative number of credit hours attempted. Course and/or University withdrawals during the drop/add period will not be counted in the calculation of academic progress.

Qualitative Academic Progress: The minimum cumulative GPA for satisfactory progress is 2.50 for MBA, MDiv, ThM, MA in Religion, MS in Education, MS in Nonprofit Leadership, and MS in Organizational Leadership. The minimum cumulative GPA for satisfactory progress is 3.00 for MS in Counseling, MS in Educational Leadership and Administration, and teacher certification.

Maximum Time Frame

The maximum time frame for which a student may be eligible for Federal Title IV aid is 150% of the normal time for degree completion, measured in the number of credit hours attempted. Transfer hours are included in calculation of total hours completed and used in determining an individual’s maximum time frame.