2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MAT 321 - Linear Algebra

    A study of systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants, vector geometry, vector spaces, and linear transformations. Either semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 242

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 323 - Modern Geometry II

    An examination of projective and fractal geometries. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 221

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 324 - Topology I

    An introduction to the concepts of point-set topology, including the ideas of connectedness, compactness, continuity, and metric space. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 201

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 331 - Discrete Mathematics

    An introduction to discrete mathematical topics including induction, set logic, combinatorial reasoning, counting techniques, the binomial theorem, recursively defined functions, solving recurrence relations, generating functions, finite algorithms, and graph theory. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 242

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 332 - Number Theory

    An introduction to number theory through a study of prime numbers, modular arithmetic, divisibility, numerical functions, Diophantine equations, and quadratic residues. A variety of applied topics such as cryptology, continued fractions, and perfect numbers may be explored at the discretion of the professor. Either semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 242

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 333 - Selected Topics in Mathematics

    A course in which the student studies a selected mathematical topic or set of related mathematical topics that develop the student in areas not fully addressed in the available math course offerings. Offered on demand.

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 341 - History and Philosophy of Mathematics

    An examination of the historical and philosophical development of mathematics. The course emphasizes the interactions between the search for foundations of mathematics and various mathematical ideas, philosophies, religions, and cultures. Either semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 342 - Differential Equations

    An examination of the methods of solving differential equations. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 243

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 343 - Multivariable Calculus

    An examination of multivariable calculus. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 244

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 344 - Complex Analysis I

    An introduction to the field of complex analysis. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 244

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 345 - Mathematical Modelling

    An investigation of the scope of several different methods of mathematical modelling. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 244 or MAT 321

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 421 - Abstract Algebra I

    An introduction to the concepts and theorems related to groups, rings, and fields. Special attention is given to guiding the student through a transition to the abstract thinking and proof writing necessary for higher mathematics. Either semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 242

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 431 - Mathematics Seminar

    An examination of introductory algebra, Euclidean geometry, and pre-calculus concepts from an advanced perspective. Topics include but are not limited to properties of classes of functions, analytic geometry, sets, number theoretic concepts, and mathematical modeling. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 242

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 441 - Partial Differential Equations

    An examination of the methods of solving partial differential equations and boundary value problems. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 343

    Credits: 3
  • MAT 492 - Senior Seminar

    A culminating course for Mathematics majors that leads to a general synthesis of and specific research in the field of study. Graduating seniors only. Both semesters.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Limited to students in their final semester in the Mathematics (BA) program.

    Credits: 3


  • MIS 241 - Intercultural Life and Ministry

    A study of personal and family life in an intercultural context. Special attention is given to understanding healthy adjustment to a new culture, including issues related to self-awareness, personal spiritual life, and “Third Culture Kids.” Also studied are different pathways to international ministry and different models of support. First semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MIS 242 - Foundations of Missions

    An examination of the biblical basis of missions through the study of God’s purpose for the world in both Testaments. Emphasis is given to the development of the Great Commission in Acts and the Epistles. An overview of the history of missions provides the student with a perspective for understanding contemporary world missions. Second semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MIS 341 - Church Planting and Development

    A study of the biblical and cultural principles in effective evangelism, church planting, and leadership training. Emphasis is given to the process of discipling new Christians with a view to establishing new churches. First semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MIS 342 - Current Mission Practice

    An overview of current mission practice around the world as reported by missionaries currently on the field, so that the student can realize the various mission opportunities and strategies that are being employed around the world. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIB 100 & THE 100

    Credits: 3
  • MIS 441 - Intercultural Communication

    A study of the principles of effective communication, with a focus on the special problems involved in communicating the gospel across cultural and subcultural boundaries. Second semester. Additional course fee required.

    Credits: 3
  • MIS 451 - Area Study

    An independent study that provides directed research into the historical, cultural, political, and religious context of a specific group of people in an area of the world of the student’s choice. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Approval of the program chair.

    Credits: 3
  • MIS 452 - Intercultural Studies Seminar

    A seminar designed to focus on particular missiological and theological issues or contemporary developments related to intercultural ministry. Specific content is determined by student needs and interests and the availability of specialists. Offered on demand.

    Credits: 3


  • MUS 001 - Music Major Seminar

    Required of all music majors for each semester they are enrolled full-time at the University, up to nine semesters. These Tuesday afternoon meetings include studio classes, program meetings, masterclasses, seminars, and general recitals. Both semesters.

    Credits: 0
  • MUS 103 - Music Fundamentals

    A basic introduction to the principles of music theory: key signatures, clefs, scales, intervals (written and aural), triads, and inversions, including their application to keyboard harmony through playing the circle of fifths and constructing scales and triads. First semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 104 - Aural Skills

    An introduction to sightsinging and ear-training skills. Singing and aural recognition of scales and intervals. Melodic and chord dictation. Utilization of Kodaly hand signals. First semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 111 - Music Theory I

    An introduction to tonal harmony: species counterpoint, diatonic triads, inversions. Exercises include four-part harmonization of melody and bass lines, short original compositions, and analysis of music literature. Weekly lab (with tutorials) includes study of sight singing, ear-training, and keyboard harmony in correlation with written work. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Approval of professor after appropriate diagnostic testing and/or minimum grade of C in MUS 103.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 151 - English Diction

    A study of English diction. Practice in achieving pure vowels and correct consonants while singing is stressed. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 152 - Italian and Latin Diction

    A study of diction involving the Latin and Italian languages. Practice in achieving pure vowels and correct consonants while singing is stressed. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 181 - Introduction to Teaching Music

    A course designed to present a broad introduction to the profession of teaching music. Students are introduced to the many aspects of the PK-12 music education program and related historical, philosophical, cultural, social, and ethical issues, including curriculum standards for music as published by the National Association for Music Education and the PA Academic Standards. Field experiences are designed to promote awareness and understanding of adapting instruction to develop music potential and meet individual needs with particular attention to the exceptional student. An emphasis is placed on developing competency in using technology effectively in music education. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Current clearances required. 

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 212 - Music Theory II

    Continuation of study of tonal harmony: seventh chords, introduction of chromaticism, simple modulation. Exercises include four-part harmonization of melody and bass lines, original compositions, and analysis of music literature. Weekly lab (with tutorials) includes study of sight singing, ear-training, and keyboard harmony in correlation with written work. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Approval of professor and/or minimum grade of C in MUS 111.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 213 - Music Theory III

    Continuation of study of tonal harmony: figuration, modulation, chromaticism (modal mixture, Neapolitan, augmented sixth chords, altered chords). Exercises include analysis of expanded forms and original composition. Weekly lab (with tutorials) includes study of sight singing, ear-training, and keyboard harmony in correlation with written work. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Approval of professor and/or minimum grade of C in MUS 212.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 215 - Jazz Theory I

    A continued exploration and development of advanced musicianship creating a unique hybrid between advanced jazz harmonic concepts and aural perception, sight-singing, and ear training exercises utilizing the jazz language. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 212

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 216 - Jazz Theory II

    A continued exploration and development of advanced musicianship creating a unique hybrid between advanced jazz harmonic concepts and aural perception, sight-singing, and ear training exercises utilizing the jazz language. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 215

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 221 - Survey of Music History

    A survey course that provides an introduction to the materials of music and a chronological study of major musical periods, styles, and forms (including representative composers and compositions) from the Middle Ages through the 21st century. Second semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 235 - Pop/Jazz Techniques of Major Instrument I

    An introductory study of jazz and pop technique, repertoire, and improvisation skills on the student’s primary applied instrument. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    One year of lessons on the major applied instrument.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 236 - Pop/Jazz Techniques of Major Instrument II

    Continuation of MUS 235. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 235

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 238 - Instrumental Literature

    A survey course tracing the evolution of standard repertoire for band and orchestra from the Renaissance to the present. Particular attention is given to core compositional devices, form, harmony, and instrumental techniques/usage. The constant pursuit throughout the course is that of finding out what makes a piece of music part of the standard repertoire. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 248 - Choral Literature

    A survey course covering choral music from the Renaissance to the present. Areas of study include literature for all voice groupings (child through adult) and resource materials. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 251 - French Diction

    A study of diction involving the French language. Practice in achieving pure vowels and correct consonants while singing is stressed. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 252 - German Diction

    A study of diction involving the German language. Practice in achieving pure vowels and correct consonants while singing is stressed. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 281 - Theories of Learning Music

    A survey of music learning theories, approaches, processes, and methods that are prevalent in music education PK-12. This course engages the preservice candidate in inquiry and reflection while acquiring professional knowledge and application of music methodologies. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 382. Current clearances required. 

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 303 - Orchestration

    A study of instrumental characteristics and notation, scoring and arranging for the instruments of the orchestra and band from small to large ensembles. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 314

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 305 - Worship Band Arranging

    An exploration of arranging technique for various pop-music genres. Special attention is given to developing arranging technique for rhythm sections, small vocal and instrumental ensemble, studio recording, and larger vocal and instrumental ensemble. Students complete a major arranging project for presentation in an end-of-semester concert setting. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 216 or MUS 314

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 311 - Music History up to 1600

    A study of Gregorian chant, secular music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, motet and mass, and important composers in each area. Listening both in class and outside of class is required. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 221

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 312 - Music History 1600-1800

    A study of opera, cantata, oratorio, suite, symphony, sonata, and chamber music. Included is an analysis of selected examples with special emphasis on work of Schutz, Monteverdi, Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, and early Beethoven. Listening and performing in class are required. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 221

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 314 - Music Theory IV

    A study of late 19th- and 20th-century practice (polytonality, atonality 12-tone technique). Exercises include analysis and original composition. Weekly lab (with tutorials) includes study of sight singing, ear-training, and keyboard harmony in correlation with written work. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Approval of professor and/or minimum grade of C in MUS 213.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 315 - History of Popular Music

    An introduction to various genres of American popular music and jazz through the study of its origins, characteristics, composers, and performers, as well as its influence and current trends. Emphasis is placed on personalities and their unique influences within each of these genres. Connections to music of the evangelical culture is also considered. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 221

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 316 - World Music and Ethnomusicology

    A comprehensive overview of cultural traditions, belief systems, and practices of a variety of world cultures as approached through the study and analysis of their music. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 212 & MUS 221

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 321 - Music Technology

    An introduction to the use of electronic hardware and software for music notation, midi sequencing, recording, and projection, including online resources. Special attention is given to church music and worship applications. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 323 - Introduction to Conducting

    An introduction to instrumental and choral conducting focusing on patterns, regular and mixed meters; gestures for phrasing, entrances and releases, dynamics, articulation; and score preparation. Additional attention is given to the development of tone quality, blend, and balance, as well as general musicianship training and concert programming. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 314

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 324 - Worship Band Leadership

    An introduction to contemporary worship of all styles. Students learn how to build quality congregational repertoire, build skills in worship planning, gain expertise in arranging music for contemporary worship ensembles, and develop skills in rehearsing and leading worship groups. Either semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 325 - Church Music Production

    An introduction to the field of worship technology. This course explores the basic technologies and concepts that are needed in worship ministry today, including audio, graphics, video, copyright, and ministry team building. Either semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 326 - Music Education in the Church

    A survey of the teaching approaches prevalent in music education applicable in the church music program for all ages, including materials and methods. Special emphasis is on rehearsal techniques for elementary, middle school, and senior high choirs. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 327 - Song Writing

    Principles of song writing, including elements of writing melody; melodic structure; lyric form - understanding verse/chorus/bridge structures; melodic style; lyric style - gospel to classical, southern gospel to praise and worship, and country to rock ‘n roll; and co-writing lyrics with other musicians. Students are required to participate in a songwriters “showcase” presented by the School of Music. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 212 or MUS 215 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 333 - Instrumental Conducting

    A continuing study of conducting centered around instrumental music. Extensive score study explores phrasing; instrument basics such as string techniques and bowing; woodwind, brass, and percussion technique; and idiomatic challenges. Honing of gestures that reflect this deepened understanding of instrumental scores is included. A strong emphasis is placed on rehearsal technique and musicianship training. A specialized study on stylistic interpretation of Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical music is also afforded. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 323

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 343 - Choral Conducting

    A continuing study of conducting centered around choral music. The course hones techniques such as entrances, releases, phrasing nuances, score reading, choral vocabulary, diction concepts, and the choral sound. A strong emphasis is placed on rehearsal technique and musicianship training. A specialized study on stylistic interpretation of Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical music is also afforded. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 323

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 381 - Assessment in Music Education

    A course designed to provide the prospective music teacher with a variety of measurement and evaluation tools, as well as strategies applicable in a music instructional program. Students are involved in writing instructional objectives; preparing quality test questions; computing and interpreting simple statistics; examining standardized tests, including music achievement and aptitude tests; evaluating music grading systems; preparing and reporting grades; and developing performance criteria. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 382

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 382 - Music for Special Needs Children

    A course designed to prepare music educators to work with children who have special learning needs. Various disabilities are discussed along with implications and interventions for music educators. Methods and materials for use with exceptional children are also presented. Includes a field experience practicum in a music classroom setting to observe and develop competency in working with exceptional children. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Current clearances required. 

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 383 - Technology in Music Education for the Diverse Learner

    A course designed to introduce the student to the use of basic computer-aided instructional software and digital media in PK-12 education. Participants explore many ways to incorporate these tools into the curriculum for diverse learners with an emphasis on adaptation for special needs. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 281 & MUS 382

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 391 - Church Music Practicum

    A field experience and related seminars to provide competency and insight into the nature of worship leadership skills through observation and teaching, reflective journals, interaction with worship leaders, assigned readings, proficiency exams, and seminar discussions. Current trends and advanced worship leading topics are also discussed. Students are given in-class and out-of class worship leading assignments. This course is to be completed prior to enrolling in the church music internship. Both semesters.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Enrollment limited to juniors in the Worship and Music program or by permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 411 - Music History 1800-1900

    A study of nationalism, program music, symphony, chamber music, opera, German lieder, and music for the piano with analysis of selected works. Listening and performance are required. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 221

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 412 - Music History 1900-Present

    A study of impressionism, expressionism, neo-classicism, serialism, jazz, electronic music, and current trends in composition. The course also examines the discipline of ethnomusicology as a means of understanding the significance of contemporary popular music and the unique musical contributions of diverse cultures. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 221

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 421 - Leading Music Ministry

    A course designed to help students develop principles and skills necessary for the administration of a church music and arts ministry. Areas of study include organization, leadership, multiple staff relationships, scheduling, recruiting, oversight of facilities and equipment, publicity, production, and related technologies such as sound, lighting, and media. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 422 - Introduction to Composition

    An exploration of the creative process through analysis and original work. An integration of the fundamental elements of music, including melody, harmony, rhythm, and form. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 314

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 423 - Advanced Orchestration

    Continuation of MUS 303. Scoring and arranging for full orchestra and band from monody to complex texture. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 303

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 425 - Form and Analysis

    Stylistic analysis examining the historical development of musical forms and the exploration of significant details of musical compositions. An introduction to procedures and techniques of analysis commonly used by music scholars is included. Analytical projects and class presentations are required. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 426 - Special Topics in Composition

    Study in composition on a topic selected by the student and/or professor. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 422 or MAC 382.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 427 - Vocal Arranging

    Building basic arranging techniques for various vocal ensembles with special attention given to developing arrangements for small and large vocal ensembles in acapella and accompanied situations. Students complete a major arranging project for presentation in an end-of-semester concert setting. Either semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 216 or MUS 314

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 438 - Literature of Major Instrument

    A study of historical and recent solo literature in the field of the student’s major instrument. Students are expected to analyze examples from important composers or various periods, both sacred and secular. Listening and performance in class is included. A semester project in the form of an annotated bibliography is required. Offered on demand.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 458 - Vocal Literature

    A study of Italian, German, French, American, and English songs, including opera, oratorio, and cantata recitatives and arias, with analysis of selected examples. Listening and performing in class are required. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 461 - Organ Service Playing

    A study of the factors that produce an effective, coordinated service. Areas of discussion include improvisation, modulation, transposition, accompanying of choral and solo literature, adapting piano scores for the organ, and effective accompaniment of congregational singing. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 468 - Organ Literature

    A survey of important works representing each of the historical periods from “pre-Bach” to the present. Areas of discussion include functional church music, concert repertoire, publishers, recital planning, historical performance practices, organ methods, and resource bibliography. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 471 - Piano Service Playing

    A study of the piano as an accompanying medium. Areas of study include improvisation, transposition, open score reading, and modulation. The piano as a solo instrument is also discussed, including arranging in various styles. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 478 - Piano Literature

    A survey of the standard keyboard repertoire of the last 400 years, enabling the student to recognize the writings of various composers and to know their important contributions to piano literature. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 481 - Teaching Music in the Elementary School

    A course designed to increase understanding of the theories, methods, strategies, materials, and philosophies of teaching music in elementary schools. The course addresses planning and presenting cognitive, psychomotor, and affective music learning experiences in the classroom and rehearsal settings. Particular attention is given to identifying and addressing student needs through individualized curriculum adaptation and differentiated experiences for the exceptional student. Curriculum development/evaluation and in-class teaching are included. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 382. Current clearances required. 

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 482 - Teaching Music in the Secondary School

    A course designed to increase understanding of the methods, materials, and philosophy of teaching music in secondary schools. Curriculum evaluation and in-class teaching are included. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 382. Current clearances required. 

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 483 - Instrumental Methods

    A course designed to equip students with methods and specific techniques for teaching instrumental lessons. Opportunities will be given for student demonstration of performance and teaching on woodwind, brass, string, and percussion instruments. Second semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 484 - Choral Methods

    A course designed to equip music education students with an understanding of vocal development from preschool through high school, as well as appropriate choral teaching methods and rehearsal techniques for each level of development. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 281 & MUS 323

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 489 - Music Education Practicum

    A field experience and related seminars to provide competency and insight into the nature of elementary and secondary music teaching through classroom observation and teaching, reflective journals, interaction with teachers, assigned readings, proficiency exams, and seminar discussions. Included are experiences with special needs students and students with English as a second language. A minimum of 60 hours in music instructional settings is required. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Completion of all music education and teacher education courses except EDU 401.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 490 - Junior Recital

    A recital of 45 minutes in length required of all music performance majors during their fourth year of study. Repertoire should represent a variety of styles and historical periods. Both semesters.

    Credits: 0
  • MUS 491 - Senior Project I

    The beginning of a capstone project for the BA in Music program, including a written documentation and a public presentation, which explores a musical subject or work(s) in relation to music theory, musicology, and/or performance and demonstrates its relation to the broader context of culture, history, literature, and the arts. A student-designed project, completed under faculty supervision in one of the following formats: recital, lecture/recital, lecture/demonstration, or project/oral presentation approved by the supervising instructor and the chair of the primary area of study. Both semesters.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 492 - Senior Project II

    The completion of a capstone project for the BA in Music program, including a written documentation and a public presentation, which explores a musical subject or work(s) in relation to music theory, musicology, and/or performance and demonstrates its relation to the broader context of culture, history, literature, and the arts. A student-designed project, completed under faculty supervision in one of the following formats: recital, lecture/recital, lecture/demonstration, or project/oral presentation approved by the supervising instructor and the chair of the primary area of study. Both semesters.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 491

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 521 - Music in the Church

    A course designed to help students develop a biblical philosophy and theology of church music. Areas of study include the nature and philosophy of the local church, music and the arts in worship, edification and evangelism, worship service design, and worship leadership. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 522 - Worship: Past and Present

    A course surveying the development of Christian worship from its Jewish roots to the present. The course includes an examination of liturgical, revivalist, and contemporary traditions, as well as the development of congregational song (hymnody and current forms). Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 523 - Church Music Composition and Arranging

    Composing and arranging for current church use, including the application of recent musical development. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 303

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 524 - Choral Composition and Arranging

    Writing unison to eight-part choral music. Accompaniment idioms and a cappella problems are addressed. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 314

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 525 - Graded Choir Techniques

    A survey of the graded choir system, including materials and methods. Special emphasis is on rehearsal techniques for children’s and youth choirs. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 537 - Pedagogy of Major Instrument

    A survey of teaching materials and techniques for the student’s major instrument from beginning to advanced levels. In addition to the weekly class meeting, students may have the opportunity to teach 30-minute lessons under the supervision of the instructor. Offered on demand.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 557 - Vocal Pedagogy

    A survey of vocal teaching materials and techniques from beginning to advanced levels. In addition to the weekly class meeting, students begin teaching private lessons approximately one-third of the way into the semester under the supervision of the instructor. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 567 - Organ Pedagogy

    A survey of organ teaching materials and techniques from beginning to advanced levels. In addition to the weekly class meeting, students teach 30 minutes per week under the supervision of the instructor. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 577 - Piano Pedagogy

    A survey of piano teaching materials and techniques from beginning to advanced levels. In addition to the weekly class meeting, students observe and teach private and class piano lessons under the supervision of the instructor. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 590 - Senior Recital

    A recital required of all music majors during the student’s final year of study. Repertoire should include a variety of styles and periods. Voice students should demonstrate language skills in Italian, French, and German, in addition to English. Church Music majors perform in their major area for 30 minutes and conduct a choir they have trained in four pieces selected from varied historical periods. Music Education majors perform for 30 minutes in their major area. Composition majors supervise a 60-minute program of their own compositions. Performance majors perform for 60 minutes in their major area. Both semesters.

    Credits: 0
  • MUS 591 - Church Music Internship

    A comprehensive capstone experience for students in the five-year Church Music programs, designed to facilitate the application of knowledge and skills to actual church music ministry. Includes pre-internship resume writing and interviewing, as well as a music performance project completed during the internship. May be taken concurrently with MUS 592. Both semesters and summer.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 521 and either MUS 421 or MUS 522

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 592 - Church Music Internship

    A continuation of MUS 591. A comprehensive capstone experience for students in the five-year Church Music programs, designed to facilitate the application of knowledge and skills to actual church music ministry. Includes a music performance project completed during the internship. Both semesters and summer.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 591 (may be taken concurrently)

    Credits: 1

Music - Applied Brass

  • MAB 031 - Applied Brass (Secondary)

    Private instruction in Applied Brass for the non-music major, or music major studying a secondary applied area.  Instruction is tailored to the level of the student’s development. Either semester.

    Credits: 0
  • MAB 032 - Applied Brass (Secondary)

    A continuation of MAB 031 for all subsequent semesters. Either semester.

    Credits: 0
  • MAB 131 - Applied Brass (Secondary)

    Private instruction in brass for the non-music major and for the music major studying brass as a secondary applied. Instruction is tailored to the student’s level of development and goals. Either semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MAB 132 - Applied Brass (Secondary)

    Private instruction in brass for the non-music major and for the music major studying brass as a secondary applied. Instruction is tailored to the student’s level of development and goals. Either semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MAB 181 - Applied Brass

    Study of basic instrumental techniques, including breathing, posture, tone production, articulation, and phrasing.  Technical studies include scales and interval studies and transposition techniques, in addition to a standard classical repertoire.  Instrumental interpretation of hymns and sacred songs is also covered. Either semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MAB 182 - Applied Brass

    Study of basic instrumental techniques, including breathing, posture, tone production, articulation, and phrasing.  Technical studies include scales and interval studies and transposition techniques, in addition to a standard classical repertoire.  Instrumental interpretation of hymns and sacred songs is also covered. Either semester.

    Credits: 2

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