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Board of Trustees
John W. Scheflen Chair
Betty Jane Hess* Vice Chair
Edward L. Stillman Secretary
S. Eric Beattie*
Edgar N. Brightbill (Emeritus)
Donald Carver (Emeritus)
Robert C. Doll Jr.
Elizabeth Mason Givens*
Matthew B. Hancock
Lee W. Himmelmann CLU
Joseph Kempf
Clarence E. Lockett*
Jean S. MacFadyen
James P. MacLean III Esq. (Emeritus)
Jack Muehlhan Jr. (Emeritus)
Melvin C. Nace (Emeritus)
Pamela J. Okada
David J. Parramore*
Charles F. Scheide Sr.* (Emeritus)
Stephen K. Smith (Emeritus)
Frederick W. Steudler Jr. (Emeritus)
G. Patrick Stillman
Robert H. Straton
David B. Willard
Todd J. Williams President*
* Cairn alumnus/a
Todd J. Williams (1996-2001, 2005)
BS in Bible, Cairn University; MEd, PhD, Temple University
W. Sherrill Babb (1979)
President Emeritus
BA, Long Island University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Mary W. Boyer (2003)
Vice President of Human Resources
BS, Kutztown University
J. Scott Cawood (2003)
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Administration
BS in Bible, MS in Organizational Leadership, Cairn University
Paul T. Neal (2014)
Senior Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment
BA, Eastern University; MA, Villanova University
Russell T. Nixon (2013)
Senior Vice President for University Advancement
BA, Messiah College; MS, Temple University
Brian G. Toews (1993)
Senior Vice President and Provost
BA, MA, PhD, University of California at Los Angeles; MDiv, ThM, Talbot Seminary
Administrative Faculty
Steven R. Schlenker (1986)
BS in Bible, Cairn University; MA, Temple University; EdD, Nova Southeastern University
Lynn H. Wallace (1996)
Director of Institutional Research
BS, MA, University of Oregon; EdD Montana State University
Joseph W. Beeson II (2012)
Dean, School of Education
BA, Dallas Baptist University; MS in Educational Leadership and Administration, Cairn University
Evan D. Curry (2017)
Dean, School of Business
BS, Temple University; MBA, New York Institute of Technology
Brenda Mellon Ebersole (2005)
Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BS in Bible, Cairn University; CELTA, Cambridge University; MLitt, Drew University; PhD, University of Aberdeen
Lloyd P. Gestoso (1999)
Dean, School of Social Work
BS in Bible, BSW, Cairn University; MSW, DSW, University of Pennsylvania
Benjamin I. J. Harding (2012)
Dean, School of Music
BS in Bible, BMus, Cairn University; MMus, Manhattan School of Music; DMA, University of Maryland, College Park
Timothy K. Hui (1998)
Dean of Educational Resources
BS in Bible, Cairn University; ThM, ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary; MLS, University of North Texas; JD, Southern Methodist University School of Law
Jonathan L. Master (2011)
Dean, School of Divinity
BS in Bible, Cairn University; MDiv, ThM, Capital Bible Seminary; PhD, University of Aberdeen
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Martha E. MacCullough (1980)
School of Education
BS in Bible, Cairn University; MA, Wheaton College Graduate School; EdD, Temple University
Professor Emeritus
Julius C. Bosco (1960)
School of Divinity
BA, Shelton College; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; MLS, University of Texas
Richard D. Emmons (1985)
School of Divinity
BS in Bible, Cairn University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary
G. Robert Kilgore (1981)
School of Divinity
BS in Bible, Cairn University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; DMiss, Trinity International University
John R. Master (1987)
Office of the Provost
BA, Houghton College; ThM, ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary
Robert E. Wenger (1983)
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BA, The King’s College; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; MA, Southern Methodist University; PhD, University of Nebraska
Dianne K. Alexander (1996)
School of Education
BS in Bible, MS in Christian Counseling, Cairn University; MEd, The Pennsylvania State University; EdD, Nova Southeastern University
Jeffrey S. Black (2005)
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BA, University of Delaware; MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary; MA, PhD, Temple University
Juliet J. Campbell-Farrell (2000)
School of Busiiness
BSW, University of West Indies; MSS, MSLP, PhD, Bryn Mawr College
Donald A. Cheyney (1999)
School of Divinity
BRE, Multnomah School of the Bible; MDiv, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; EdD, Talbot School of Theology
Walter Chung (2016)
School of Education
BA, MS, PhD, Southern Illinois University; MA, Biblical Theological Seminary
Ruth H. Kuchinsky-Smith (2014)
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BS, The King’s College; MCAT, Hahnemann University; MEd, PhD, Temple University
Matthew M. McAlack (1995)
School of Divinity
BS in Bible, Cairn University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, Temple University
Keith W. Plummer (2010)
School of Divinity
BA, Brown University; MDiv, PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Gary E. Schnittjer (1997)
School of Divinity
BS in Bible, Cairn University; ThM, PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary
Sheryl A. Vasso (1990)
School of Education
BS, St. Joseph’s University; MAT, The College of New Jersey; EdD, Immaculata University
Associate Professor
Stephanie F. Chung (2013)
School of Education
BA, MS, Southern Illinois University; MA, Trinity International University; MEd, Eastern University; EdD, Nova Southeastern University
Mark D. Gaspar (2015)
School of Business
BA, University of Pennsylvania; MBA, Canisius College; MIPP, George Washington University
Yunn K. Kang (2008)
School of Business
BS, Concordia University; MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary; MBA, Babson College
Brian P. Luther (2012)
School of Divinity
BS, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University; MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; ThM, PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary
Kevin W. McFadden (2013)
School of Divinity
BS, Maranatha Baptist University; MDiv, Detroit Baptist Seminary; ThM, PhD, Southern Seminary
James C. Meyer (1996)
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BS in Bible, MS in Christian Counseling, Cairn University; EdD, Argosy University
Matthew J. Miller (2017)
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BA, Franklin and Marshall College; MA, LaSalle University; PsyD, Immaculata University
Assistant Professor
Jared R. Bryant (2011)
School of Divinity
BS in Bible, Cairn University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, Temple University
James E. Dolezal (2012)
School of Divinity
BA, MA, The Master’s College; MDiv, The Master’s Seminary; PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary
Gregory J. Fanus (2012)
School of Education
BS in Bible, BS in Education, Cairn University; MA, Gratz University
Stephen J. Hauser (2012)
School of Business
BS, Berea College; MS, The University of Tennessee
Ashlyn M. Jones (2016)
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BS in Bible, BS in Education, MS in Counseling, Cairn University
Part-Time Faculty
Rebecca Cella (2016)
School of Education
BS in Bible, BS in Education, Cairn University; MEd, Cabrini College
Patricia L. Cook (2004)
School of Education
BS, Morgan State University; MS, Rowan University; EdD, Nova Southeastern University
Barbara J. Cooper (2016)
School of Education
BS, University of Texas; MEd, Arcadia University
Charlotte L. Gleason (2007)
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BS in Bible, BS in Education, Cairn University; MLS Fort Hays State University
Diane K. Kloth (2002)
School of Education
BS in Bible, BS in Education, Cairn University; MEd, Arcadia University
William L. Krewson (1996)
School of Divinity
BA, MA, MDiv, Bob Jones University; STM, Biblical Theological Seminary; MPhil, PhD, Drew University
Adjunct Faculty
Charles L. Arnold
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BA, Montclair State University; MS in Christian Counseling, Cairn University
Jill Barnes
School of Education
BA, Cedarville University; MS, Gwynedd-Mercy College
Rebecca Benjamin
School of Education
BS in Bible, BMus, MS in Education, Cairn University
Kimberly A. Bennett
School of Education
BS, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; MEd, St. Francis University
Susan K. Childers
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BA, Grove City College; MS in Christian Counseling, Cairn University
William W. Clark
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BA, College of William and Mary; MA, Grace Theological Seminary; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Maryland
Karen Daly Smith
School of Business
BS, University of Maryland; MS in Organizational Leadership, Cairn University
Stephen P. Dill
School of Education
BA, Wheaton College; MA, Villanova University; EdD, Temple University
Daniel J. Egeler
School of Education
BA, The King’s College; MS, Washington State University; EdD, University of Alabama
Sarah Ensslen
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BA, Cedarville University; MS in Christian Counseling, Cairn University
Mark D. Forshaw
School of Business
BS, University of Salford; MA, University of Greenwich
Paula R. Gossard
School of Education
BA, BS, Humboldt State University; MEd, George Mason University; PhD, The University of Southern Mississippi
James Harvey
School of Divinity
AB, Princeton University; MDiv, Reformed Seminary; DMin, Erskine Theological Seminary
Jeffrey Hass
School of Business
BS, Louisiana State University; MBA, Houston Baptist University; MS, Philadelphia University; MDiv, Biblical Seminary
Robert Kramer
School of Divinity
AS, Pennsylvania State University; BS, Spring Garden College; MDiv, Bethel Seminary; DMin, Biblical Theological Seminary
Samuel J. Lufi
School of Business
BS, Cumberland College; MTS, Palmer Theological Seminary
Deborah L. MacCullough
School of Education
BS in Bible, BS in Education, Cairn University; MA, Arcadia University; PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
David Marks
School of Business
MS in Organizational Leadership, Cairn University
O. Kenneth McClellan
School of Business
AAS, Community College of the Air Force; BS, University of Phoenix; MBA, Eastern University
John Mesher
School of Business
BA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; JD, Duquesne University School of Law
Bryan Murawski
School of Divinity
BS in Bible, MDiv, Cairn University
Lindsay Reilly
School of Business
BA, Messiah College; MS, Fuller Theological Seminary; MS, University of Melbourne
Judy E. Severns
School of Education
BS in Bible, Cairn University; MEd, Azusa Pacific University
Wayne Shaw
School of Business
BS, Ursinus College; MS in Organizational Leadership, Cairn University; DSL, Regent University
Jason D. VanBilliard
School of Education
BS in Bible, BS in Education, Cairn University; MA, West Chester University; EdD, Temple University
Wesley Wada
School of Business
BS, University of Southern California; JD, Loyola Law School
Stephen M. Weir
School of Education
BS in Bible, MS in Education, Cairn University
David J. Wiedis
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
BS, College of New Jersey; MS in Christian Counseling, Cairn University; JD, Villanova University School of Law
Erin Wilcox
School of Education
Lydia Zuidema
School of Education
BA, Campbellsville University; MA, Sonoma State University; EdS, Northwest Missouri State University