2005-2006 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2005-2006 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Institute of Jewish Studies

  • DO 121 - Bible, God and Christ

    A examination of the nature of biblical inspiration, the meaning of the attributes of God and a study of Christ’s deity.

    Credits: 1.5
  • DO 122 - Angels, Salvation and Spirit

    An examination of the biblical teaching concerning angels (fallen and unfallen), the nature of salvation, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

    Credits: 1.5
  • DO 123 - Man, Israel and the Church

    A systematic theological survey of the Bible’s teaching about mankind, the unique role of the nation of Israel and the doctrine of the church of Jesus Christ.

    Credits: 1.5
  • DO 124 - Messianic Christology of the NT

    A study of the development of Christological titles applied to Jesus by the New Testament writers in order to understand better the theological significance of the title and the development of these titles from the Old Testament.

    Credits: 1.5
  • LA 031 - Basic Hebrew

    A study of the Hebrew alphabet, and the basic structure of Hebrew verbs and nouns in a sentence. Emphasis is placed on developing the student’s proficiency in using the many Hebrew aids that are available (i.e., lexicons, concordances, word study books, etc.) rather than on producing readers of the Hebrew Bible.

    Credits: 1.5
  • MI 111 - Jewish History and Culture

    A survey of the main historical movements of the Jewish people from 70 A.D. to the present day and an explanation of the Jewish religion–its feasts, the life cycle, the worship, the dietary laws, as well as other customs and observances. This course includes attendance at synagogue services, field trips and interaction with the Jewish community.

    Credits: 1.5
  • MI 112 - History of Modern Israel

    An examination of the history of Palestine/Israel from the rise of Zionism in the late 19th century to the present day. Particular attention is given to the formation of the State of Israel, its wars and its relationship to the Arab people.

    Credits: 1.5
  • MI 113 - Evangelism and Apologetics

    A study of the biblical basics of sharing the gospel using in a practical way the Messianic prophecies, providing answers to questions and objections, and selecting evangelistic methods.

    Credits: 1.5
  • MI 114 - Study Tour

    A course taken during a trip to Israel. Special lectures at actual biblical sites and collateral reading will enhance this hands-on learning experience in which the land of the Bible is the laboratory. In the event that travelling to the Middle East is is not advisable, another tour to Bible lands will be taken.

    Credits: 2


  • LI 331 - Survey of British Literature

    A study of the major authors of British literature from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century and of how they influenced the contemporary British milieu. First semester.

    Credits: 3
  • LI 332 - Children’s Literature

    A broad introduction to children’s literature-its historical development, major genres, current trends and, most of all, its vital role in a child’s emotional, moral and intellectual maturation. The course includes training in the teaching of children’s literature at home and in the classroom. Both semesters.

    Credits: 3
  • LI 333 - Survey of American Literature

    A study of the major authors of American literature from the pre-national period to the 20th century and how they influenced the contemporary American milieu. Second semester.

    Credits: 3
  • LI 334 - Great Christian Writers

    A study of writers who have contributed to the expression of biblical truth in a cultural setting. Some representatives are Augustine, Dante, Edmund Spenser, John Milton, George Herbert, John Bunyan, Flannery O’Connor, Charles Williams, J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis and Madeleine L’Engle. Second semester.

    Credits: 3
  • LI 337 - Literature of the Non-Western World

    A chronological survey of selected works that reveal the intellectual and literary life of non-Western cultures. Africa, Asia (including both Middle and Far East), Australia, Latin America and the Caribbean are represented. Second semester.

    Credits: 3
  • LI 338 - Shakespeare

    An intensive study of selected major plays of Shakespeare in their historical and cultural contexts, including reading and discussion of selected critical commentaries. First semester.

    Credits: 3
  • LI 339 - Issues in Contemporary Literature

    Studies in a selected number of contemporary works of fiction, poetry and drama to observe how they reflect the issues, values and trends of the present day. First semester.

    Credits: 3
  • LI 342 - Honors Literary Classics

    A study of great books in literature from ancient times to the Renaissance. Offered on demand.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Membership in Honors Program or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 3


  • MA 131 - Mathematical Concepts I

    Part I of a two-semester course designed to present concepts of mathematics. Topics include problem-solving, sets, numeration systems, number theory, sets of numbers, consumer math and measurement. First semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MA 133 - College Algebra

    A review of algebra along with a development of polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Either semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MA 134 - Calculus I

    A development of limits, the derivative and its applications, as well as integration and applications of the definite integral. First semester.

    Credits: 4
  • MA 136 - Mathematical Concepts II

    Part II of a two-semester course designed to present concepts of mathematics. Topics include algebra, geometry, probability, statistics and mathematical systems. Both semesters.

    Credits: 3
  • MA 231 - Calculus II

    Application of the derivative and integral to logarithmic, exponential, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions; improper integrals, polar coordinates, parametric equations and vectors. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MA 134

    Credits: 4
  • MA 232 - Calculus III

    The third in a three-course sequence in calculation that includes differentiation and integration of functions of many variables, and application of calculus to vectors, polar coordinates and conic sections. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MA 231

    Credits: 4
  • MA 233 - Modern Geometry

    An extension and maturing of the concepts of Euclidean geometry along with an introduction to topology; finite, non-Euclidean and projective geometry; and Euclid’s fifth postulate. Either semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MA 331 - Probability and Statistics

    A course including an introduction to probability, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, the normal distribution and statistical inference. Either semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MA 332 - History and Philosophy of Mathematics

    A course surveying the history and philosophy of mathematics. Either semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MA 333 - Number Theory

    A study of the divisibility of integers, prime numbers, numerical functions, the algebra of congruence classes, quadratic residues and quadratic reciprocity.  Either semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MA 231 or permission of the instructor

    Credits: 3
  • MA 334 - Discrete Mathematics

    A course that includes a study of logic, sets, functions, algorithms, the integers, matrices, mathematical reasoning, counting techniques, relations and graph theory. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MA 231 or permission of the instructor

    Credits: 3
  • MA 431 - Linear Algebra

    A study of systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants, vector geometry, vector spaces and linear transformations. Either semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MA 231 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3
  • MA 432 - Abstract Algebra

    An introduction to the concepts of groups, rings and fields. The student is guided through a transition to the abstract thinking necessary for higher mathematics. Either semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MA 231 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3
  • MA 445 - Selected Topics in Mathematics

    A course consisting of the following topics: combinatorics, graph network theory, iterations and recursion, relations and functions, logic, mathematical modeling, and introductory number theory including structural theories of the sets of natural, integer, rational, real and complex numbers. Other topics may be determined by the instructor for special exploration. Either semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MA 231 or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 3


  • MI 240 - Biblical & Historical Foundations of Missions

    An examination of the biblical basis of missions through the study of God’s purpose for the world in both Testaments. Emphasis is given to the development of the Great Commission in Acts and the Epistles. An overview of the history of missions provides the student with a perspective for understanding contemporary world missions. Second semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MI 341 - Missionary Life and Work

    A study of the personal and family life of the missionary in an intercultural context. Special attention is given to the spiritual life of the missionary, missionary children, cultural adjustment and the development of intercultural competency. The selection of a mission agency, representation and field adjustments are also studied. The course includes a field trip to a local mission agency. First semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MI 342 - Area Study

    An independent study that provides directed research into the historical, cultural, political and religious context of a specific group of people in an area of the world of the student’s choice. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Approval of the program chair.

    Credits: 3
  • MI 347 - Church Planting and Development

    A study of the biblical and cultural principles in effective evangelism, church planting and leadership training. There is an emphasis on the process of discipling new Christians with a view to establishing new churches. First semester.

    Credits: 3
  • MI 349 - Intercultural Communication

    A study of the principles of effective communication with a focus on the special problems involved in communicating the gospel across cultural and subcultural boundaries. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required.

    Credits: 3
  • MI 475 - Intercultural Studies Seminar

    A seminar designed to focus on particular missiological and theological issues or contemporary developments related to intercultural ministry. Specific content will be determined by student needs and interests and the availability of specialists. Offered on demand.

    Credits: 3


  • MU 003 - Music Major Seminar

    Required of all music majors for each semester they are enrolled full-time at PBU, up to ten semesters. These Tuesday afternoon meetings include studio classes, program meetings, master classes, seminars and general recitals. Both semesters.

    Credits: 0
  • MU 004 - Choral Celebration

    A one-day conference for church musicians and PBU music majors focusing on topics of interest to church music leaders, choir members, soloists, instrumentalists and pastors.  Includes workshops, music reading sessions and seminars.  Spring semester.

    Credits: 0
  • MU 006 - Junior Recital

    A recital of 45 minutes in length required of all music performance majors during their fourth year of study. Repertoire should represent a variety of styles and historical periods. Both semesters.

    Credits: 0
  • MU 008 - Senior Recital

    A recital required of all music majors during the student’s final year of study. Repertoire should include a variety of styles and periods. Voice students should demonstrate language skills in Italian, French and German in addition to English. Church music majors perform in their major area for 30 minutes and conduct a choir they have trained in four pieces selected from varied historical periods. Music Education majors perform for 30 minutes in their major area. Composition majors supervise a 60-minute program of their own compositions. Performance majors perform for 60 minutes in their major area. Both semesters.

    Credits: 0
  • MU 035 - Music Skills

    A basic introduction to the principles of music theory: key signatures, clefs, scales, intervals (written and aural), triads and inversions. First semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 040 - Aural Skills

    An introduction to sightsinging and ear-training skills. Singing and aural recognition of scales and intervals. Melodic and chord dictation. Utilization of Kodaly hand signals. First semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 101 - Theory I

    An introduction to tonal harmony: diatonic triads, inversions. Exercises include four-part harmonization of melody and bass lines, short original compositions and analysis of music literature. Keyboard harmony and ear-training in correlation with written harmony are included. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 035 or approval of Dean.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 102 - Theory II

    Continuation of study of tonal harmony: seventh chords, introduction of chromaticism, simple modulation. Exercises include original compositions in simple forms, keyboard harmony and ear-training in correlation with written harmony. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 101

    Credits: 2
  • MU 150 - Sightsinging I

    A study of sightsinging and melodic/rhythmic dictation. The student will begin to develop the ability to sightsing notated music and notate aural music. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 040 or approval of Dean.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 152 - English Diction

    A study of English diction. Practice in achieving pure vowels and correct consonants while singing is stressed. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 155 - Italian and Latin Diction

    A study of diction involving the Latin and Italian languages. Practice in achieving pure vowels and correct consonants while singing is stressed. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 167 - Introduction to Teaching Music

    A course designed to present a broad introduction to the profession of teaching music. Students will be introduced to the many aspects of the K-12 music education program, the music education profession, and related cultural, social and ethical issues. Observation and clinical experiences in school music programs, including classroom and rehearsal settings, are required. A minimum of 25 hours of observation, and participation in a classroom and a written evaluation of the experience are also required. This course must be completed by the end of the sophomore year. First semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 201 - Theory III

    Continuation of study of tonal harmony: figuration, modulation, chromaticism (augmented sixth chords, altered chords). Exercises include analysis of expanded forms, keyboard harmony and ear-training in correlation with written harmony. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 102

    Credits: 2
  • MU 202 - Theory IV

    A study of 16th-century counterpoint (all species in two-part) 18th-century counterpoint (two-part invention) 20th-century practice (polytonality, atonality 12-tone technique). Keyboard harmony and ear-training continue. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 201

    Credits: 2
  • MU 232 - Introduction to Music Research

    A course that correlates a general introduction to music history by period and musical form with music research methods and materials. Second semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 233 - Music History I: Up to 1600

    A study of Gregorian Chant, secular music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, motet and mass, and important composers in each area. Listening both in class and outside of class is required. First semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 234 - Music History II: 1600-1800

    A study of opera, cantata, oratorio, suite, symphony, sonata and chamber music. Included is an analysis of selected examples with special emphasis on work of Schutz, Monteverdi, Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart and early Beethoven. Listening and performing in class are required. Second semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 250 - Sightsinging II

    A study of sightsinging and melodic/rhythmic dictation. The student will continue to develop the ability to sightsing notated music and notate aural music. First semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 251 - Sightsinging III

    A study of sightsinging and melodic/rhythmic dictation. The student will sightsing and notate by dictation intervals and melodies in all major and minor keys and chromatic melodies utilizing alterations of any tone. Second semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 254 - French Diction

    A study of diction involving the French language. Practice in achieving pure vowels and correct consonants while singing is stressed. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 255 - German Diction

    A study of diction involving the German language. Practice in achieving pure vowels and correct consonants while singing is stressed. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 302 - Canon and Fugue

    A study of the principles of two- and three-part counterpoint of the 18th century. Treatise study, analysis and composition are included. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 202

    Credits: 2
  • MU 306 - Teaching Music in Secondary School

    A course designed to increase understanding of the methods, materials and philosophy of teaching music in secondary schools. Curriculum evaluation and in-class teaching are included. Second semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 333 - Music History III: 1800-1900

    A study of nationalism, program music, symphony, chamber music, opera, German lieder and music for the piano with analysis of selected works. Listening and performance are required. First semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 334 - Music History IV: 1900-Present

    A study of impressionism, expressionism, neo-classicism, serialism, jazz, electronic music and current trends in composition. The course also examines the discipline of ethnomusicology as a means of understanding the significance of contemporary popular music and the unique musical contributions of diverse cultures. Second semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 350 - Sightsinging IV

    A study of sightsinging and melodic/rhythmic dictation. The student will sightsing and notate by dictation modal melodies and twentieth-century chromatic melodies. First semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 351 - Introduction to Conducting

    A study of conventional conducting patterns. Principles of congregational song leading are discussed. Conducting of easier anthems and choruses from standard oratorios with laboratory group and videotape is required. First semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 352 - Choral Conducting

    A study of the stylistic characteristics of choral music from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods. Areas of discussion include rehearsal techniques, balance, blend, diction and score preparation. Conducting experience with laboratory group and videotape is required. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 351

    Credits: 2
  • MU 353 - Instrumental Conducting

    A course designed to introduce the student to the broad field of instrumental conducting, which includes a review of instrument ranges and technique, including tonguing and bowing, score preparation and stylistic interpretation. Conducting experience with laboratory group and videotape is required. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 351

    Credits: 2
  • MU 362 - Assessment in Music Education

    A course designed to provide the prospective music teacher with a variety of measurement and evaluation tools, and strategies applicable in a music instructional program. Students will be involved in writing instructional objectives; preparing quality test questions; computing and interpreting simple statistics; examining standardized tests, including music achievement and aptitude tests; evaluating music grading systems; preparing and reporting grades; and developing performance criteria. Second semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 401 - Orchestration

    A study of instrumental characteristics and notation, scoring and arranging for the instruments of the orchestra and band from small to large ensembles. Second semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 202

    Credits: 2
  • MU 402 - Advanced Orchestration

    Continuation of MU 401. Scoring and arranging for full orchestra and band from monody to complex texture. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 401

    Credits: 2
  • MU 403 - Church Music Composition and Arranging

    Composing and arranging for current church use, including the application of recent musical development.  First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 401

    Credits: 2
  • MU 405 - Introduction to Composition

    An exploration of the creative process through analysis and original work. An integration of the fundamental elements of music, including melody, harmony, rhythm and form. First semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 202

    Credits: 2
  • MU 428 - Church Music Internship

    An opportunity for students in the five-year Church Music Program to gain practical experience in a church-related ministry. Most internships involve a church choir (adult, youth or children) under direct supervision. In addition to church responsibilities, the student prepares the choir for performance at the senior recital. Both semesters.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 429 - Church Music Internship

    An opportunity for students in the five-year Church Music Program to gain practical experience in a church-related ministry. Most internships involve a church choir (adult, youth or children) under direct supervision. In addition to church responsibilities, the student prepares the choir for performance at the senior recital. Both semesters.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 433 - Instrumental Literature

    A survey course covering selected methods and solo literature for all instruments; standard literature for band, orchestra and church orchestra. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 434 - Choral Literature

    A survey course covering choral music from the Renaissance to the present. Areas of study include literature for all voice groupings (child through adult), resource materials, and ideas for indexing and filing of music. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 451 - Graded Choir Techniques

    A survey of the graded choir system, including materials and methods. Special emphasis is on rehearsal techniques for children’s and youth choirs. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 452 - Church Music Administration/Philosophy

    A course of study designed to help the student develop a practical philosophy of church music. The comprehensive graded church music program is discussed from an administrative point of view. Organizational techniques, materials and methods are presented. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 454 - Piano Service Playing

    A study of the piano as an accompanying medium. Areas of study include improvisation, transposition, open score reading and modulation. The piano as a solo instrument is also discussed, including arranging in various styles. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 456 - Organ Service Playing

    A study of the factors that produce an effective, coordinated service. Areas of discussion include improvisation, modulation, transposition, accompanying of choral and solo literature, adapting piano scores for the organ and effective accompaniment of congregational singing. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 458 - Worship in the Church

    A survey of worship in the Scriptures followed by a discussion of methodology, which will assist music and pastoral leadership to be effective in guiding a congregation of worshippers. Time will be taken in class for each student to practice the skills necessary to be an effective worship leader. Areas to be considered include: Song-leading, service planning, sound systems, praise bands, media materials, digital keyboards and MIDI, and copyright law.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 464 - Teaching Music in the Elementary School

    A course designed to increase understanding of the methods, materials and philosophy of teaching music in elementary schools. Curriculum evaluation and in-class teaching are included. First semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 501 - Contemporary Harmonic Practice

    An exploration of contemporary compositional techniques and procedures with emphasis on hearing, reading and analysis of modern music literature.  Second semester.  Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 503 - Music Technology

    A study of music notation and sequencing using the computer and MIDI synthesizer.  Final project demonstrates the student’s ability to create a complete musical production.  First semester.  Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 504 - Form and Analysis

    Stylistic analysis examining the historical development of musical forms and the exploration of significant details of musical compositions. An introduction to procedures and techniques of analysis commonly used by music scholars is included. Analytical projects and class presentations are required. Second semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 505 - Choral Composition and Arranging

    Writing unison to eight-part choral music. Accompaniment idioms and a cappella problems are addressed. First semester. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MU 202.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 521 - Instrumental Methods

    A course designed to equip students with methods and specific techniques for teaching instrumental lessons. Opportunities will be given for student demonstration of performance and teaching on woodwind, brass, string and percussion instruments. Second semester.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 532 - Hymnology

    A study of the historical development of hymns, hymn tunes and their authors and composers. Standards of evaluation of good hymns and hymnals will be discussed as well as effective variation of hymn singing in worship. First semester.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 533 - Piano Literature

    A survey of the standard keyboard repertoire of the last 400 years enabling the student to recognize the writings of various composers and to know their important contributions to piano literature. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 534 - Organ Literature

    A survey of important works representing each of the historical periods from “Pre-Bach” to the present. Areas of discussion include functional church music, concert repertoire, publishers, recital planning, historical performance practices, organ methods and resource bibliography. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 535 - Vocal Literature

    A study of Italian, German, French, American and English songs, including opera and oratorio, with an analysis of selected examples. Listening and performing in class are required. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 536 - Literature of Major Instrument

    A study of the historical and recent solo literature in the field of the student’s major instrument.  Students are expected to analyze examples from important composers or various periods, both sacred and secular.  Listening and performance in class is included.  A semester project in the form of an annotated bibliography is required.  Offered on demand.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 537 - History of Christian Worship

    A survey of Christian worship from early period to the present. Included is an examination of liturgy, worship practices and the arts, both historic and present. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 2
  • MU 538 - Opera Workshop

    Opera Workshop

    Credits: 1
  • MU 553 - Piano Pedagogy

    A survey of piano teaching materials and techniques from beginning to advanced levels. In addition to the weekly class meeting, students observe and teach private and class piano lessons under the supervision of the instructor. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 554 - Organ Pedagogy

    A survey of organ teaching materials and techniques from beginning to advanced levels. In addition to the weekly class meeting, students teach one-half hour per week under the supervision of the instructor. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 556 - Vocal Pedagogy

    A survey of vocal teaching materials and techniques from beginning to advanced levels. In addition to the weekly class meeting, students teach one-half hour per week under the supervision of the instructor. Second semester. Offered alternate years.

    Credits: 1
  • MU 557 - Pedagogy of Major Instrument

    A survey of teaching materials and techniques for the student’s major instrument from beginning to advanced levels.  In addition to the weekly class meeting, students may have the opportunity to teach half-hour lessons under the supervision of the instructor.  Offered on demand.

    Credits: 1

Music - Brass

  • MB 031 - Applied Brass

    Private instruction in Applied Brass for the non-music major, or music major studying a secondary applied area.  Instruction is tailored to the level of the student’s development. Either semster.

    Credits: 0
  • MB 032 - Applied Brass

    A continuation of MB 031 for all subsequent semesters.

    Credits: 0
  • MB 181 - Applied Brass

    Study of basic instrumental techniques, including breathing, posture, tone production, articulation and phrasing.  Technical studies include scales and interval studies and transposition techniques, in addition to a standard classical repertoire.  Instrumental interpretation of hymns and sacred songs is also covered.

    Credits: 1

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